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A monitoring system is a set of structural elements that make possible multidirectional active observation or capture and record on the disk of the recorder of the acquired data in case of unforeseen situations. The monitoring set also includes microphones, which, although useful, do not have to be a mandatory part of the equipment.

Monitoring - especially the one without live observation of monitors - can function only on the basis of images acquired from cameras, but enriching it with microphones with the ability to listen to the chirps of the environment additionally positively affects the security status of the facility.

Our microphones are models compatible with most recorders, so they allow you to listen to and at the same time record on disk audio material, but they will be particularly useful in monitoring with guards, much faster attracting their attention than monotonously staring at the image on the monitor.

Microphones for eavesdropping are small-sized modules equipped with the ability to adjust the volume, convenient to be placed even in inconspicuous, difficult to observe places and in very diverse external conditions.

Using one of our models you will raise the level of security in your company or warehouse, because during the observation they will allow you to hear the undesirables even before they appear in the camera lens. We invite you to the store and take advantage of our product range.


Microphone for monitoring cameras LV-MA1

in stock Shipping 24h

Microphone for monitoring cameras LV-MA1

Power supply: 6-12V
Range: up to 150m2

Built-in audio amplifier
Application: DVRs / Cameras with audio input

5,01 €

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